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make a firm offer中文是什么意思

用"make a firm offer"造句"make a firm offer"怎么读"make a firm offer" in a sentence


  • 报实盘价


  • The world market is suffering from a currency crisis , which makes it difficult for us to make a firm offer
  • To maintain our good business relations , we are considering making a firm offer at this favorable price
  • “ however , if an important club were to make a firm offer in january , bordeaux might reconsider the situation
  • A return to parma is also an option and so far this is the only club to have made a firm offer to manchester united
  • However , the rossoneri may make a firm offer at the end of this season even if whispers in spain claim that ‘ dinho is ready to extend his barca contract until 2014
    现在西班牙媒体都表示“迪尼奥已经准备与巴萨续约至2014年” ,但是米兰在赛际结束后仍然有可能为他开出报价。
用"make a firm offer"造句  
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